Movie Night
Friday, Feb. 21, April 18
Doors open 6pm; movie 6:30pm
Sunday, March 16, 5pm
Welcome back & thank you celebration . . . grand
re-opening of the Pedro Point Firehouse!
We did it! Join us to celebrate & toast the community's generosity.
Bring a dish to share - last name:
A-I: Dessert
J-R: Appetizer or Side Dish
S-Z: Main Dish
Beverages (alcoholic and not) and basic condiments will be available.
We will have paper plates and plastic utensils available, but please consider bringing your own plates and cutlery.
PPCA General Meeting
Thursday, Jan 16, 7pm, via Zoom
Call to order and roll call (5 minutes)
Approval of Oct. 17 meeting minutes (1m)
Firehouse Manager report (5 min/5 for questions)
Treasurer’s Report: Balance Sheet, Income and Expenses for Q3 2024 (5/5)
Committee Updates
a. Events Committee (5/5)
b. Welcoming Committee (2)
c. Planning and LCLUP update (5/5)
d. 501c3status update (5/5)
e. PPCA bylaws (5/5)
f. STR (10/5)
g. Firehouse Maintenance (10/5) -